Publicaciones Científicas

Concordance between oral and anal human papillomavirus infection in HIV-infected men who have sex with men

Ocampo Cancelas A, Diniz Freitas M, Pérez González A, Pérez Castro S, Carballo Fernández R, Iribarren Díaz M, Ocampo Hermida A, Diz Dios P, Limeres Posse J.

Oral diseases. 2019 Sep 17

doi: 10.1111/odi.13197

Direct, indirect and total effectiveness of bivalent HPV vaccine in women in Galicia, Spain

Purriños-Hermida MJ, Santiago-Pérez MI, Treviño M, Dopazo R, Cañizares A, Bonacho I, Trigo M, Fernández ME, Cid A, Gómez D, Ordóñez P, Coira A, Armada MJ, Porto M, Perez S, Malvar-Pintos A; HPV Vaccine Impact Surveillance Working Group of Galicia.

PLoS ONE. 2018 Aug 3;13(8):e0201653

doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0201653

Segundo premio de investigación sobre VIH y/u otras infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS). Agencia Gallega para la Gestión del Conocimiento en Salud (ACIS). 2019.

Screening for precancerous anal lesions with P16/Ki67 immunostaining in HIV-infected MSM

Serrano-Villar S, Hernández-Novoa B, de Benito A, Del Romero J, Ocampo A, Blanco JR, Masiá M, Sendagorta E, Sanz G, Moreno S, Pérez-Molina JA

PLoS ONE. 2017 Nov 30;12(11):e0188851


Lifestyle factors and oncogenic papillomavirus infection in a high-risk male population

Lopez-Diez E, Perez S, Carballo M, Iñarrea A, Orden A, Castro M, Rodríguez M, Almuster S, Montero R, Perez M, Sanchez J, Ojea A

PLoS ONE. 2017;9: e0184492


Fraction of high-grade cervical intraepithelial lesions attributable to genotypes targeted by a nonavalent HPV vaccine in Galicia, Spain

Perez S, Iñarrea A, Pérez-Tanoira R,Gil M,López-Díez E,Valenzuela O, Porto M, Alberte-Lista L, Peteiro-Cancelo MA, Treinta A, Carballo R, Reboredo MC, Alvarez-Argüelles ME, Purriños MJ

Virology Journal


Preliminary results of a screening program for anal cancer and its precursors for HIV-infected men who have sex with men in Vigo-Spain

Iribarren Díaz M, Ocampo Hermida A, González-Carreró Fojón J, Longueira Suárez R, Rivera Gallego A, Casal Núñez E, Ocampo Álvarez A, Cachay E.

Rev Esp Enferm Dig. 2017 Feb 23. doi: 10.17235/reed.2017.4274/2016


Primer premio de investigación sobre VIH y/u otras infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS). Agencia Gallega para la Gestión del Conocimiento en Salud (ACIS). 2018.

Microbiological diagnosis of human papilloma virus infection

Mateos-Lindemann ML, Pérez-Castro S, Rodríguez-Iglesias M, Pérez-Gracia MT.

Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin. 2016; 2016 pii: S0213-005X(16)30117-3


Incidence and clearance of anal high-risk human papillomavirus in HIV-positive men who have sex with men: estimates and risk factors

Geskus RB, González C, Torres M, Del Romero J, Viciana P, Masiá M, Blanco JR, Iribarren M, De Sanjosé S, Hernández-Novoa B, Ortiz M, Del Amo J

AIDS. Vol 30, no. 1, pp. 37-44, Jan. 2016

Prevalence and concordance of high-risk papillomavirus infection in male sexual partners of women diagnosed with high grade cervical lesions

López Diez E, Pérez S, Iñarrea A, de la Orden A, Castro M, Almuster S, Tortolero L, Rodríguez M, Montero R, Ojea A.

Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin. 2016; pii: S0213-005X(16)00084-7


Acetowhite Test for Detection of Papilloma Virus Infection in Men Sexual Partner of Women Diagnosed of High Grade Cervical Lesions

López-Diez E, Pérez S, Iñarrea A, Orden A de la, Castro M, Diz JC, Almuster S, Rodríguez M, MonteroR, Perez Schoch M, Ojea A.

J Womens Health, Issues Care 2016, 5:5

Quantification of human papilloma virus (HPV) DNA using the Cobas 4800 system in women with and without pathological alterations atributable to the virus

Álvarez-Argüelles ME, de Oña-Navarro M, Rojo-Alba S, Torrens-Muns M, Junquera-Llaneza ML, Antonio-Boga J, Pérez S, Melón S.

J Virol Methods. 2015;222: 95–102



Practical considerations for high resolution anoscopy in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus

Iribarren-Díaz M, Ocampo Hermida A, González-Carreró Fojón J, Alonso-Parada M, Rodríguez-Girondo

M.Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin. Vol. 32, no 10, pp: 676-80. 2014

Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or worse in Galicia, Spain: HPV 16 prevalence and vaccination impact

Pérez-Castro S, Lorenzo-Mahía Y, Iñarrea Fernández A, Lamas-González MJ, Sarán-Díez MT, Rubio-Alarcón J,Reboredo-Reboredo MC, Mosteiro-Lobato S, López-Miragaya I, Torres-Piñón J, Melón-García S.

Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin. 2014;32(8):479-85

doi: 10.1016/j.eimc.2013.09.011


Prevalence of HPV 16 and HPV 18 lineages in Galicia, Spain

Pérez S, Cid A, Iñarrea A, Pato M, Lamas MJ, Couso B, Gil M, Álvarez MJ, Rey S, López-Miragaya I, Melón S, de Oña M.

PLoS ONE. 2014;9: e104678



Anal human papillomavirus genotype distribution in HIV-infected men who have sex with men by geographical origin, age, and cytological status in a Spanish cohort

Torres M, González C, del Romero J, Viciana P, Ocampo A, Rodríguez-Fortúnez P, Masiá M, Blanco JR, Portilla J, Rodríguez C, Hernández-Novoa B, del Amo J, Ortiz M; CoRIS-HPV Study Group

J Clin Microbiol., vol. 51 no.11, pp.3512-20, Nov. 2013

Human papillomavirus (HPV) E6/E7 mRNA as a triage test after detection of HPV 16 and HPV 18 DNA

Perez Castro S, Iñarrea Fernández A, Lamas González MJ, Sarán Diez MT, Cid Lama A, Alvarez MarHn MJ, Pato Mosquera M, López-Miragaya I, Estévez N, Torres Piñón J, Oña Navarro M.

J Med Virol. 2013;85: 1063–1068



Human papillomavirus infection in a male population attending a sexually transmitted infection service

Álvarez-Argüelles ME, Melón S, Junquera ML, Boga JA, Villa L, Pérez-Castro S, de Oña M.

PLoS ONE. 2013;8: e54375


A novel real-time genotyping assay for detection of the E6-350G HPV 16 variant

Perez S, Cid A, Araujo A, Lamas MJ, Saran MT, Alvarez MJ, Lopez-Miragaya I, Gonzalez S, Torres J, Melon S.

J Virol Methods. 2011;173: 357–363



¿Por qué no se vacunan nuestras pacientes? Motivos por los que las pacientes fuera de los programas de vacunación sistemática, con infección por el virus del Papiloma Humano, deciden decir no a la vacuna

Gloria Cordeiro, Sonia Pérez, Amparo Iñarrea, Daniel Simón, Consuelo Reboredo, Emilio Couceiro, Carlos Ramón y Cajal.

Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. vol.79 no.5 Santiago Oct. 2014



Publicaciones como parte del grupo de estudio CoRIS-HPV:

Anal squamous intraepithelial lesions are frequent among young HIV-infected men who have sex with men followed up at the Spanish AIDS Research Network Cohort (CoRIS-HPV)

González C, Torres M, Benito A, Del Romero J, Rodríguez C, Fontillón M, Trastoy M, Viciana P, Del Amo J, Ortiz M, Hernández-Novoa B; CoRIS-HPV Study Group

Int J Cancer. Vol. 133, no. 5, pp. 1164-72, Sep. 2013

What drives the number of high-risk human papillomavirus types in the anal canal in HIV-positive men who have sex with men?

del Amo J, González C, Geskus RB, Torres M, Del Romero J, Viciana P, Masiá M, Blanco JR, Hernández-Novoa B, Ortiz M; CoRIS-HPV Study Group

J Infect Dis. Vol. 207, no. 8, pp. 1235-41, Apr. 2013